Club Facts


  • The Castlegar Nordic Ski Club (CNSC) operates and maintains the Paulson Cross Country Ski Trails through a Partnership Agreement with the B.C. government, which authorizes the Club to manage the trails within this provincial recreation area.
  • The Club plans and operates in cooperation with the forest tenure holders in this area – BC Timber Sales and Atco Wood Products.
  • CNSC is a registered non-profit society and a volunteer-run organization.
  • The Club’s mission and goals include providing an affordable, safe, high quality recreational Nordic skiing opportunity for individuals and families.
  • Annual Club membership varies from year to year (from 800 to 1200+ members), with an additional 2,000+ non-member user days.
  • Club volunteers collect day-use fees, build and maintain shelters, stock firewood, build and maintain trails and other infrastructure, host events, and serve on the Club’s Executive.
  • The Club’s annual operating funds come from membership fees, skier day-use fees, event fees and donations.
  • 70-80% of annual revenue is spent on trail grooming and equipment costs.
  • Our normal ski season extends from approximately mid-November until mid to late March.
  • The Club strongly depends on volunteers and sponsors to offer this amazing, healthy, recreational experience to our members, the general public and visitors who support our local communities.

To Volunteer, become a Club member, donate, or provide other support, please contact us:

1) By email at: [email protected], or

2) Through our website Contact Page, or

3) By regular mail at:

Castlegar Nordic Ski Club

P.O. Box 3213

Castlegar, B.C.

V1N 3H5